Adriane Dedic
Techniques & Methods

In My Artist Studio
What is a MONOPRINT?
A monoprint is a one-of-a-kind, unique work of art. 
I combine etching techniques and drypoint engraving to create a monoprint. In traditional etching, I use nitric acid to eat the lines of my image into the surface of a zinc plate. To do Drypoint Engraving, I use a very sharp, pointed tool to scratch my design into the surface. The incised lines hold the gooey etching ink which I apply generously all over the surface.

Using various wiping techniques, I remove most of the ink from the surface leaving the ink in the incised lines. At the same time, I can create textures and special effects with the ink remaining on the surface treating it almost like a finger painting.

I carefully place damp, fibrous etching paper onto the inked surface of the plate, making sure the plate is in the center of the paper. Using an etching press, I am able to force the paper against the plate exerting extreme pressure so the inked image transfers to the paper and presses into the incised lines. The ink actually soaks into the fibers of the paper. I carefully remove the paper from the plate. The result is a monoprint -- a single impression from the image on the plate.