Adriane Dedic
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Filoli Art Faire
Historic House and Gardens

Fri., Sat., & Sun. July 27, 28, 29, 2018
86 Canada Road, Woodside, CA 94062

I was one of 30 artists invited to exhibit my art at this lovely garden estate.

Filoli Gardens

Our tents were in the dry grass meadow behind the historic mansion.

Wild turkeys and deer ran in the fields next to us. At night we had to cover or pack everything to protect art from from resident night critters.

The weather was beautiful all weekend, perfect temperature. People visiting the gardens continually visited our artist area.

It was quite a hike to haul the tent, metal display grids, and all my art...but worth it!!!


Filoli Gardens arch

Filoli Sunken Garden
Glass sculpture
Glass sculpture in the Sunken Garden
Adriane Dedic Artist
Me and my taiko drumming class mates: Kit (wearing my Geisha Bouquet scarf) and Brian
Geisha Bouquet Filoli Gardens visitors
Kit is the perfect model for my scarf An absolutely gorgeous day at Filoli Gardens!
Filoli lavendar  

Sunken garden

All my taiko drumming classmates came to my exhibit and were greeted by the resident peacock

The Dancer In Klimt's Garden

I created this textile mixed media (18"x24") for the Filoli Artist Faire.

I am so pleased that a lovely couple purchased it for their home in Santa Clara, California.

I was inspired by Gustav Klimt's painting, The Dancer.

The Dancer by Klimt

My Taiko classmate Jo and artist Stephanie, whose tent was next to mine.
Jo took many of these amazing photos!
The Dancer In Klimts Garden

My textile mixed media "Kyoto Rain" was featured on Filoli's invitation for the event.
And will be on exhibit at the Harrington Gallery Sept. 28 to Oct. 27, 2018
with my newest textile "Kabuki Warrior"

Kyoto Rain by Adriane Dedic... Kabuki Warrior by Adriane Dedic

I hope to see you at my